
Placebo: 브라이언이 남모르게 한 선행

Eunice_t-story 2010. 12. 13. 13:35
뭐 꽁꽁 숨기면서 한 건 아니었지만 공식 홈피에서나 밴드의 공식 보도는 전혀 없었으므로...
가끔 삭아지 없을 때도 있지만 착한 일도 할 줄은 아는군... 흐뭇한 소식이다.
희귀병을 앓는 청소년을 위한 스위스의 한 재단에서 마련한 이벤트에 참여한 브라이언.

불어 원문 기사는 여기

영문 번역:
Anissa, meeting Brian Molko from Placebo
On that summer evening, Anissa, 18 years old, was excited but was also 
feeling a bit apprehensive. In a few hours, she'd attend the concert but
especially she'd meet her idol for 5 years now... Brian Molko, lead 
singer of the British band Placebo. Rendez-vous was taken before the 
gig... and suddenly, here he comes, he's here for Anissa, available and 
friendly. All of the sudden, all her fears disapeared, and the young 
girl was able to chat with him, especially about their common passion 
for theatre arts. Anissa has been learning improvisation for a few years
now, and Brian tried drama before chosing the (music) "stage" as a way 
to express himself.
Anissa got a signed picture from all the band. 
The singer apologised for having to go to do some interviews but before 
leaving, he made sure that she, along with the volunteer from the 
association, would get the best seats, down there, right in front of the
stage ! From there, Anissa would have the best view, and could enjoy 
the gig fully.
On the way back home, she felt so happy, she was even wondering if she didn't dream all this!

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