
Dream set-list by Placebo...

Eunice_t-story 2009. 8. 4. 23:36
.....for a fag hag :-)
Slackerbitch live @ Les Eurockéennes de Belfort, France, July 9 1999

It echoes in my brain
I didn't mean it
pulses through my veins
I didn't mean it
I'm the one to blame
I didn't mean it
did too much cocaine
I didn't mean it.
Slackerbitch, fag-hag, whore
looks real cute, her lips are sore
Slackerbitch, fag-hag, whore
always comes back for more
Your memory will fade
I didn't mean it
you've always had it made
I didn't mean it
I know you feel betrayed
I didn't mean it
I just wanted to get laid
I didn't mean it
Slackerbitch, fag-hag, whore
looks real cute, her lips are sore
slackerbitch, fag-hag, whore
always knocking on my door
You come across impure
I didn't mean it
you're goddamn immature
I didn't mean it
you act so insecure
I didn't mean it
you hate me now I'm sure
I didn't mean it
Slackerbitch, fag-hag, whore
looks real cute, her lips are sore
slackerbitch, fag-hag, whore
dripping sex from every pore
slackerbitch, fag-hag, whore
looks real cute, her lips are sore
slackerbitch, fag-hag, whore
such a mother f**king bore.
앵콜까지 다 합해서 요 정도면 탈진해서 쓰러질 정도는 아니겠지?^^
내일 공연과는 전혀 상관없는, 완전 거리가 먼 set-list ^^;
1. Slackerbitch
(with slash. fag hag들의 주제가니까 가장 먼저 이 곡 불러줬음 좋겠다...^^ 그 뒤 곡들 순서는 맘대로^^)
2. Taste in Men
(with Stefan's gay dancing, preferrably with Molko ^-^)
3. Nancy Boy
(with slash)
4. Space Monkey
(with slash + Molko's mic stand riding ^^
단, 몰코 메가폰 대고 노래할 때 목소리 한 옥타브 낮춰줬음 좋겠다...)
5. Little Mo
6. Leni
7. The Crawl
8. Burger Queen(en Francais)
9. Protege moi
(with slash)
10. My Sweet Prince
11. In the Cold Light of Morning
12. Special K
13. Blind
14. Black-eyed
15. Meds
16. Every You Every Me
17. Plasticine
18. The Bitter End
19. Special Needs
20. Lady of the Flowers
21. Twenty Years
22. Bubblegun
23. Soulmates
24. Without You I'm Nothing

Lady of the Flowers @ Les Eurockéennes de Belfort, France, July 9 1999

'Scuse me, I apologize
he likes your attitude, he tries it on for size
he spends the afternoon, between your thighs
how's that for gratitude, I apologize.
It seemed to last for hours
It seemed to last for days
This lady of the flowers
and her hypnotic gaze.
'Scuse me, I apologize
she's got vacum cleaner eyes
suck you in
she's got magazines, filled with pear pies
'scuse me, I apologize
It seemed to last for hours
It seemed to last for days
This lady of the flowers
and her hypnotic gaze.
She wears her tears on her blouse
confused and racked with self-doubt
she stole the keys to my house
and then she locked herself out.
'Scuse me, I apologize
he likes your attitude, he tries it on for size
he spends the afternoon, between your thighs
how's that for gratitude, I apologize.
It seemed to last for hours
It seemed to last for days
This lady of the flowers
her electronic haze.
She wears her tears on her blouse
confused and racked with self-doubt
she stole the keys to my house
and then she locked herself out.
She stole the keys to my house
and then she locked herself out.
She lays me down
she lays me. 

Without You I'm Nothing live @ Les Eurockéennes de Belfort, France, July 9 1999

Strange infatuation seems to grace the evening tide.
I'll take it by your side.
Such imagination seems to help the feeling slide.
I'll take it by your side.
Instant correlation sucks and breeds a pack of lies.
I'll take it by your side.
Oversaturation curls the skin and tans the hide.
I'll take it by your side.
tick - tock x3
tick - tick - tick - tick - tick - tock
I'm unclean, a libertine
And every time you vent your spleen,
I seem to lose the power of speech,
Your slipping slowly from my reach.
You grow me like an evergreen,
You never see the lonely me at all
Take the plan, spin it sideways.
Without you, I'm Nothing.
Without you, I'm nothing.
Without you, I'm nothing.
Take the plan, spin it sideways.
Without you, I'm nothing at all.