
Placebo: Brian Molko interview article (RP online)

Eunice_t-story 2014. 8. 20. 12:21
독어 기사인데 한글 자동번역은 진짜 이상함 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 영어로 번역된 걸 보는 게 더 낫다. 
영어 번역도 크롬 자동 번역이라서 완벽한 건 아니지만 우리말 번역된 것 보단 말이 되네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

Interview: Brian Molko
"I do not need social media"
The singer of Placebo enters with his band tomorrow at the Hockey Park Moenchengladbach.
The London band Placebo comes after Mönchengladach.
Morning comes to the trio in hockey Park and will play hits from the 90s such as "Every You Every Me" as well as pieces from their latest album "Loud Like Love". The band will take the stage against 20 clock. Tickets are available by calling 0211 274 thousandth and singer Brian Molko spoke with us in advance of the show over 20 years of band history.
They celebrate an anniversary.
Brian Molko Honestly: We celebrate but only because of the decimal system. In other countries there are very different calendar, so one would celebrate a completely different number. The decimal system is simple, that's why we like it. But we do not want to be defined later.
Do not rejoice?
Molko Oh, I'm grateful that I may make music and can live on. Many other bands have not done it. And it is a privilege that people want to hear us. I do not know what else to do. I have spent my adult life trying to make music.
It was not always easy: There were tensions with placebo, there was talk of separation.
Molko 's right. In particular, seven years ago was a very dramatic and difficult time for us as a band. At that time, we have also changed our personnel. We had to find a way to keep going. Now we are in a phase that I like very much. We even enjoy our society against each other - this is a first for placebo (laughs).
After so many years in the business but also increases the pressure to remain successful.
Molko Now, it has become harder because we do not want to repeat. Rather, we try to be better - this is for me personally a great motivation: I want to become a better writer, a better guitarist.
So there are songs that you no longer like?
Molko Yes, many even. I have a slightly dysfunctional relationship with my own works.
How do you decide then what you play at concerts?
Molko This is sometimes quite difficult. We did not even play our two most successful songs "Nancy Boy" and "Pure Morning". We just feel no connection to the song, it would be to play it a lie. I refuse to go on stage and being dishonest there. I have to believe in every word that I sing. This is often not easy.
But the connection to these songs must have existed but once.
Molko 's right. But it's like having a friendship with some one used to be close friends than it is today.
How in your song "Too Many Friends", a criticism of the way society deals with social media.
Molko They form a seismic shift in our society. The question I ask myself is this: Are we through social media and to connect with each other more or less lonely? Finally, we talk less to each other, because we no longer use the phone as often as before. This is fascinating.
You benefit but of art.
Molko course, but I do not need social media. I do not want to lead, I prefer personal contact with the people of this life. But I use as video telephony to stay with my friends and family in touch. I'm not saying that I am against any form of technology - that would be hypocritical.


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그래도 현재의 몰코의 생각은 존중하는 바임ㅋㅋ
나처럼 키도 작고, 운전도 안 하고(물론 몰코는 면허도 없는 게 나랑은 좀 경우가 다르지만ㅋㅋㅋ) 
무엇보다도 당신의 음악 취향을 완전 존경합니다, 코디 아빠 ㅋㅋㅋ 
오래 전에 몰코가 했던 라디오 프로그램들 녹취한 걸 듣다 보면 몰코가 소개하는 곡들, 어쩜 그렇게 하나 같이 다 좋은지....
그 라디오 프로그램들 들으면서 알게 된 새로운 음악과 밴드들이 참 많다. 진짜 유익함!
앞으로 그런 라디오 프로그램들 좀 많이 했으면...마지막으로 한 게 올해 초(1월)다...