헉, 이게 뭔일!
PFWW가 서버기한 만료와 동시에 플라시보 공홈에서 버려지나보다. 표현이 좀 그렇지만 결국 그 소리인 듯.
페북에서 Nadine이나 Rosa, Kate에게 물어보면 알 수는 있겠지만.
나도 활동 안 한지 너무 오래 됐고 요즘은 페북, 트위터도 거의 아무 활동 안 하는데 불쑥 물어보기 뭐하고...
11년 전에 팬들이 운영하는 비공식 팬사이트로 시작했다가 플라시보 공식 팬사이트가 됐었는데
서버 기한 만료되면서 다시 비공식 팬사이트로 전환할 예정인가보다.
새로운 서버를 찾으면 그리 옮기나 본데 그게 언제가 될 지 아직 알 수 없나 봄........
플라시보 기획사 측과 잡음이 있었던 것은 자세한 내용은 몰라도 그동안 페북에서 Kate의 짜증글을 보면서 대강 낌새는 채고 있었는데
이젠 진짜 서버 사용 기한 만료 되면서 아예 빠이하려는 건가 보다.
활동 안 한지 오래 됐고 요즘은 글도 하나도 안 쓰지만 그래도 없어진다니까 좀 아쉽네.
Melancholy Poet wrote:
I hate to say it, but I've felt for a while that Placebo are very lucky they have such loyal fans, because I don't feel like they value this forum or their fans as much as they should or used to. Maybe that's just me, but I feel they've neglected this form since the release of LLL and prior to that they didn't really use it, but the fans and admins kept it running and alive to share their love for the band and form friendships to last. Publicity has been raised, the #yknowmolko40 campaign trended and there's currently fans running and organising Twitter pages and posts about the 20th anniversary. We do this because we are loyal and love the band, and I've been puzzled as to why Placebo do so little themselves to share publicity, do appearances on TV and interviews. I feel that is less important to them now, and I understand that they want their privacy, but I do feel that the fans give so much of their time, commitment and love and it isn't appreciated as much as it should be.
This forum is more than a fan forum but a community. Their decision to shut it down right before a big anniversary tour seems unwise and I feel it's another reminder that they are less bothered by their fans and their commitment than they previously are, and that's what makes me sad. I've never seen another fanbase that is so nice and committed as this so I hope it goes beyond this, I'm just feeling that we've been let down by the band that brought us all together in the first place.
I hope I'm not too controversial with this, I still like Placebo's music but in recent years I've felt more disillusioned as a fan, and I just feel this is the final nail in the coffin to prove they care less about their long term, loyal fanbase and just assume we will be loyal to everything regardless. I'm not after an argument, but since the forum is being closed I feel I should say how I've felt about it, as the members and admins have all been so amazing, I'm sad we're being let down.
위의 formumer 의견, 공감가는 부분이 많다.
2009년 가입해서 짧은 기간 동안이었지만 PFWW에서 알게 된 해외 팬들로 소소하게 즐거웠던 순간들도 있었는데 안타깝다.
없어지기 전에 캡쳐. 이 모습 그대로 돌아올 지, 언제 돌아올 지, 기약이 없네... 앞으로 페북 페이지로 팔로잉해야...
새로 돌아올 땐 저 헤드 부분에 있는 스티브 모습은 사라지고 없을랑가 ㅋㅋㅋ
내가 가입할 때 작성했던 fav. bo album이 WYIN이었구나 ㅎㅎㅎ 그건 지금도 변함 없음.
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