PLACEBO in jakarta, indonesia
tweets [ starting with the newest ]
@java musikindo
@java musikindo
Song #21: Taste in Men #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #1ac: Trigger Happy
Song #18: Bright Lights #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #17: Bitter End #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #16: Special K #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #14: Meds #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #12: Come Undone #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #11: Neverending Why #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #9: Breathe Underwater #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #8: Special Needs #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #7: Every Me Every You #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #5: Speak in Tongues #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #3: Battle For The Sun #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #2: Ashtray Heart #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
PLACEBO Live!!! For What Its Worth!! #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Over 20 songs will be played by PLACEBO tonite! on stage at 8.15pm! Go get ur tix at Java's official tix box in tennis indoor senayan!
More than 2 hour set of DJ EGRV + PLACEBO! Come over&get ur tix at Java's official tix box!!
Song #1ac: Trigger Happy
Song #18: Bright Lights #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #17: Bitter End #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #16: Special K #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #14: Meds #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #12: Come Undone #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #11: Neverending Why #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #9: Breathe Underwater #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #8: Special Needs #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #7: Every Me Every You #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #5: Speak in Tongues #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #3: Battle For The Sun #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Song #2: Ashtray Heart #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
PLACEBO Live!!! For What Its Worth!! #LAlightsPLACEBOconcert
Over 20 songs will be played by PLACEBO tonite! on stage at 8.15pm! Go get ur tix at Java's official tix box in tennis indoor senayan!
More than 2 hour set of DJ EGRV + PLACEBO! Come over&get ur tix at Java's official tix box!!

"Drummer Placebo lg olahraga bareng platihnya yg d bw dari London.... "
("Drummer of Placebo exercising with the trainer he brought from London", thanks to angel from PFWW for translation !)

some """behind the scenes""" pictures


other pictures

the show's over now, and according to all the other tweets by people, it all went very well. all in all, the setlist included 21 songs, but some of the names are missing from java musikindo's tweets.
credits to
java musikindo, gimanzz, aryoanindito, adrie subono and adrian subono.
ETA: thank you, mandy for the pics! ^.^
credits to
java musikindo, gimanzz, aryoanindito, adrie subono and adrian subono.
ETA: thank you, mandy for the pics! ^.^
Feb. 16, 2010, Jakarta, Indonesia

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