
Steve Hewitt Update on Facebook

Eunice_t-story 2009. 8. 15. 13:38
동영상에 이어 이번엔 본인의 fan page 만들어서
(이제야 제대로 만드셨군요^^)
거기에 지난 1년 반 동안의 얘기가 Note 섹션에 기록되어 있다.
보아하니 플라시보 탈퇴 후 거의 바로 새 작업을 구상 중이셨던 거 같네용...
아직 The Story Part I(Placebo Summer 비디오 처럼 나가실 예정...?)이니 앞으로 계속 monthly update 기대할게요~^^

October 2007
Hello everyone and welcome, This is now the official Facebook site for all my new activities. Again, thanks for all of your support and your positive energy. It's great to be back on the scene and to be producing what I hope you will believe to be a great record. Now I would like to start to share a brief history with you regarding the process that I have been through for the last year and a half. Specifically, the writing, recording and personnel involved so far. As my primary focus is on getting the album completed I will make these updates every 3 - 4 weeks as time allows. I hope you enjoy the journey with me.

October 2007 - After being ejected from Placebo in September '07 I decided to get in touch with an old friend of mine, Jon Thorne. (ejected...? 이 표현, 참 가슴 아프네요...ㅠ.ㅠ)

October 2007
Jon is the bass player in a band called Lamb. They are a great band and Jon is a very talented player. I asked him to collaborate on a new project with me. The vision was to create a new band, a new album and a new sound. Jon gleefully accepted my offer and we began work immediately writing and demoing music at my home studio. Jon and I have never previously played together. So, this was a first coming together of two very different musical minds. Thus the experiment began.Through 6 months we came up with enough tracks and ideas for a possible album. What musically came from the sessions between Jon and I was something very exciting and very diverse. Much fun was had during this time. Later on I asked my brother, Nick Hewitt to join us and to play extra guitar for some of the already existing tracks.(하핫, 어쩐지 밑에 사진 보고 Hewitt씨 닮았다 했드만...형제 지간이셨군요....ㅋㅋㅋ)

November 2007
Nick also comes from a different place musically that either Jon or I and this helped bring somethings to fruition.

November 2007
Nick is a very accomplished guitarist and just seemed like a natural choice for the sessions.

November 2007
This is the basis on which this project / record started to take shape and direction. Musically I became very turned on and very focused on what was being recorded and the different way that I was thinking. This became a very creative time for me. It kept my faith in music and helped me move on in a new direction.
Through the experience of my fellow collaborators we began to use a number of different instruments on our recordings that I have never worked with before. This allowed different expressions to be achieved. This initially was the freedom that I needed to bring this record together and has allowed me to grow as a musician. I will tell you more about that in my next blogs. Keep the faith and enjoy some of these early session photos.

Love Steve.
이거 읽고나니 왠지 마페에 있는 Steve Forrest fanpage를 친구목록에서 지워버리고 싶다...ㅜ.ㅜ
8월 16일
결국 Steve 군 팬페이지를 친구목록에서 삭제했다.
뭐 어차피 마페 친구들은 정기적(?)으로 정리하는 버릇이 있는 관계로...ㅋㅋㅋ
게다가 보아 하니 스티브 군과 전혀 상관 없이 그냥 열성팬이 만든 거 같기도 하고...
(만약 진짜 공식 팬페이지라면 적어도 플라시보 마페 페이지에 Top Friends list에 들어있어야 하는 거 아냐?)
Steve 군, 드럼 잘 치는 건 알겠는데 내가 이 나이에 Steve 군 팬 하긴 좀 벅차군요.